Client: Kingston Space Property
Location: Park Royal, London
Sector: Industrial & Logistics
Architect: UMC
Completion Date: 2023
Team members: Faircloth Construction, Waterman, Quantem

Challenge & Solution
The portal frames of this warehouse structure provide 30m clear spans over a double bay, with 15m head height to the underside of the haunch. The building is 100% electric, with maximum rooftop PV coverage and 100% EV car and van parking. The 50m deep service yard provides 360° HGV turning and features sustainable drainage features, including permeable paving and a buried attenuation tank.
One of the key challenges of this project was the late addition of a 10m high full footprint mezzanine, to provide an additional storey inside the building capable of supporting two-pallet high racking.
The inclusion of the mezzanine was to facilitate pre-letting the building to a tenant. It required the redesign of the piled foundations to support high point loads from the mezzanine columns.
The design change was introduced part way through construction, so the engineering and construction sequence had to be carefully considered to avoid affecting structural elements that were either already built or part way through fabrication.