Client: Kingston Space Property
Location: Park Royal, London
Sector: Industrial & Logistics
Architect: UMC
Completion Date: 2023
Other team members: Faircloth Construction, Waterman, CHP

Challenge & Solution
The existing buildings on the site of 1-3 Queensway site are split across multiple tenures with different vacant possession dates. The new structure is therefore designed to be constructed in phases, with the possibility of the first warehouse (CR1) being built initially and the second (CR2) being connected later to the south. To facilitate this, the southern elevation of CR2 is formed from a portal frame rather than a traditional gable end, with sacrificial columns acting as wind posts to resist the lateral loads that will be applied until the CR2 building is in place.
Another challenge came with the realisation that the site is not served by any public surface water sewers. An infiltration drainage solution was designed which avoided the need for costly works to install new drainage within the public realm and to connect back to sewers in the main road nearby. Due to the site’s location above a principal aquifer and within a Source Protection Zone, careful consideration of the drainage and water treatment was required to justify an infiltration drainage solution to the Environment Agency. The final solution consists of permeable paving beneath the car parking areas, with a voided subbase to filter and clean the water before it infiltrates into the ground and eventually reaches the aquifer.