Maintaining the functionality of the Bristol 20W building during its redevelopment was paramount to the project and the important and sensitive work being carried out by its staff.
In Stevenage B100, an enhanced working environment was required for staff. In B1200 and B1300, the presence of a building vibration issue was causing a great deal of daily discomfort to the office and clerical staff working within a number of floor plates and buildings.
The safety and protection of all staff is paramount to any business even more so to the staff working on complex, sensitive equipment and systems, which potentially go on to be used in the realms of Defence. Equally, protected and safe access to the equipment supporting these operations across units 5000-5600 needed the same level of attention to mitigate the risks to all stages of the process and operatives.
The alteration and conversion of an existing tank hall in Bristol 20W and the infill and over-roof of an existing internal atrium allowed for the creation of new office floor plates and welfare facilities.
In Stevenage, the enclosure of an existing atrium in B100 formed a usable break-out and company function area.
A detailed study and the introduction of a simplistic designed and quantified solution was required for B1200 and B1300. The frequency of the existing long span floors was rebalanced bringing comfort and harmony to the large office floor plates, and the staff working within.
Through a detailed study and evaluation of all parts of the suspended access installation the existing provisions were enhanced and strengthened and the works were completed without effecting the productivity or programmes of important work being completed by its production and maintenance staff.